Tuesday 19 May 2015

Hobby and Garganey at Hornsea Mere

Well the Hobby has been hanging around the Mere for a few days now but it isn't making my life easier by posing for a decent photo. It has been flying quite high catching insects and every now and then coming down to fly over the water. It is a work in progress and hopefully I'll have a few more opportunities to get it right.
Hobby enjoying an in-flight meal

Meanwhile, just to distract my attention, a nice drake Garganey appeared just 30 yards off shore -

One of the few remaining Shovelers was also dabbling just off the reed bed -

Numerous Swifts were feeding high with Swallows, House Martins and a few Sand Martins nearer the Mere surface. With a Cuckoo sounding off in the sycamore trees, Sedge Warblers in song flight in the reed bed and Reed Warblers going about their usual business it made for a lovely morning despite the very cool westerly wind.

1 comment:

  1. Robert Greenwood25 May 2015 at 16:42

    Nice to see the blog back and some interesting birds about
