Wednesday 5 June 2013

A peregrination around my local patch

v. per·e·gri·nat·ed, per·e·gri·nat·ing, per·e·gri·nates
To journey or travel from place to place, especially on foot.
To travel through or over; traverse.
pere·gri·nation n.

So nothing to do with Peregrine Falcons then?
No, nothing.
Read on?
The sun has been warm and unrelenting for a few days now and it is making things move on apace, in the plant world anyway.
Our apple blossom has now arrived; bluebells are in flower in the woods and the wild garlic is also in flower. It's taken a while this year but we've now got definite signs of Spring. The birds however knew this all along and are well advanced in their courtship and nesting. Well, I say the birds knew all along.... the House Martins have only just arrived back at their nest at our house and in previous years we've had them back in early/mid April.

It was good to feel the warm sun on my back as I wandered my well-trodden route, with the highlight of the morning being a Jay.
Wild garlic at Lumbutts Clough
Wild garlic flower
Orange Tip on wild garlic
My route through Lumbutts Clough

1 comment:

  1. Have you been checking Wikipaedia then?Nice pics particularly the Blue bells.Tha' mun get theesen some o' that wild garlic.Reet grand.
