Friday 4 July 2014

Fairburn Ings or a trip to the Med?

As I was going over Selby way to collect my good lady from her sojourn in Thorpe Willoughby I thought I'd call in at Fairburn Ings. I haven't been there for ages and I'd also seen that a Glossy Ibis has been there for a while. So I packed my bins, scope and camera and set off early to get some birding in before leaving for taxi duties.

Lin Dyke hide was where the Ibis had been seen last so that was where I headed and I could see it from the path as it was right in front of the hide. Unfortunately for me the sun was behind it and no matter how I tried, a back lit black bird was still a silhouette to the camera even though I tried over exposing by many stops.

I also counted 7 Little Egret there, so with Glossy Ibis and Little Egret and with the sun beating down from a clear blue sky it was more like being in the Med than Yorkshire!

Speaking to one of the RSPB guys he told me that Avocets were breeding and could be seen down at Pickup hide with their chicks so I went down there and spent some relaxing time watching them, and also the Sand Martins flying in and out of their nests in the Sand Martin wall.

There were many species of birds seen during my time there and also several butterflies. The pick of my photos are these two - a Robin and a Ringlet:

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