Sunday 7 September 2014

Lancaster bombers over Stoodley Pike

I heard the sound of approaching aircraft engines and ran inside for my camera as the sound wasn't the usual jet engine or single engined private plane. Here is what I heard - 2 Avro Lancasters flying over the house and passing Stoodley Pike. Magnificent sound and sight!



  1. Jeff, I organised the Bicentenary Celebrations of the original Stoodley Pike monument earlier this year and am doing a talk about it on Wednesday 10th December at the Local History Society in Hebden Bridge. I should very much appreciate it if I could use your photo there. I have a recording of a funny reminiscence by someone from Tod, who at the beginning of WW1 was walking up at Stoodley Pike and waved at the pilot of a low flying plane. The pilot waved back, but it was only then that she and her friend realised that they had waved at a German aeroplane and a German pilot had waved back. Obviously, this plane is from the British side, but it can lead me into playing the tape of this reminiscence.
    Would this be okay? Nick Wilding

    1. Hi Nick. An interesting story that! Yes, you may use any of the photos, if you need a better resolution copy just let me know at Unfortunately I missed the celebrations as we were away but I would have loved to be there.
