Sunday 5 August 2012

Mediterranean Gull

Hornsea beach this morning - as I was leaving the Sandwich Terns and Common Terns on the breakwater I saw a gull fly in and as I had my camera in my hand I fired off a few pics before getting the bins onto the bird. Of course the darned thing took off before I could get a good look but it looked like a Med Gull to me.

A couple of friends of mine have now confirmed the Med Gull sighting.


  1. Well Pikey not an easy one from that photo.Been checking large format Collins this morning.White tail feathers very clear.Bill appears to be quite long for med.gull and is there a white chin instead of black on the med? It may just be reflection.The pic doesn't really fit any other type of gull though.So sorry but in my opinion it is definitely a possible med gull.!

  2. Med Gull confirmed by Nick and Andy. Cheers Robert!!
